الثلاثاء، 1 نوفمبر 2011

There are many things make me in bad mood
one of them is working in group , really I hate this word
you will not imagine how I'm worrying every semester to listen this word " specially in project"
cause I know I will lost the cooperate easily with them
maybe because I have bad experience last year ...etc
absolutely that depend to the group who I work with it !!

Thanks Allah for let other teachers give us individual project
what I should do? I will try hard to adapt with them and control myself more and until I finish it of course that will put me in bad mood
I like every thing be clear and have good plan. Also, listen to them what they wants and needs , what is good time to start, submit... etc to have cooperative group and done every thing in time without any pressure

I'm in the bad mood now , I dont know why I come here to post this problem
My regards, Naeema Al Nuaimi

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